Monday, November 15, 2010

Mood Swings

My life is kinda hectic nowadays. Especially with all those who-knows-when-they-popped-out-activities. To think that some people are actually complaining about being bored. @_@ Potato. Seriously, get yourself a job, go to a camp, watch 16 hours of back-to-back soap opera, whatever, I don't care, just stop complaining that you're bored on Facebook. Or else I think I'm gonna smash my laptop screen.

Anyways, as you can in the title, I'm having mood swings. So, I'm here to apologise. I know that I have a really bad temper that I can't really control. But look, I'm trying, 'kay? I'm trying not to get mad easily. I'm trying not to want to yell at people. I'm trying to be more optimistic. But sometimes, I just lose control of my brain when everything's so potato-ed up. Well, what else can I do but to say sorry? So... forgive me? :)

*Note: The word 'potato' has been used to replace all of the profanities in this post. Just trying to make the world a better place. ;-)