Monday, September 6, 2010

With You

It's like electric's running through my veins
My heart does somersaults whenever I see your name
I think I'm going insane

My mind is full of memories of you and me
Erase your name just to write it all over again
Those dreams you starred in just won't go away

'Cause I've never felt this way
Never been okay
And I've never thought I'd say
Love you and mean it
But with you
With you
Everything is upside down when I'm with you
Oh you
With you

I smile or giggle at everything you said
Replay those conversations in my head everyday
Your every move catches my gaze

Try to glimpse at you through the corner of my eye
I'm telling the truth but you said that it's a lie
But anyways, I'll keep on trying

If I could stop time and space just to stare at you
I think I'll never want to take my eyes off of you
'Cause you're the only one who's got a grip of my heart
Please stay the same
We'll never ever part

Well, I don't know what in the world is wrong with me but I got this as a result of studying Sejarah. Weird ehh? I'm sorry, Yining, pia-ing doesn't work for me. T.T


Yi Ning said...

Adui, no nid to say sry to me d wor. fan zheng i sendiri oso din pay full atention on studying sej n geo pun. I oso keep thking stg i shouldnt thk. wah,u so chi1 qing2,tat person so lucky.haha. eh, 2pm gt 1 song cal without u. XD

A Walking Paradox said...

Then you gok ask me to don't curi tulang?! Suan liao. Har. What thing? your wai yu???!!! Of course, you now ka know I'm chi1 qing2? I dk that person is lucky or unlucky la. Yeah I know. Saw it on 'my bff's' pm before.

Yi Ning said...

sry lo,p bo mood study ma. i scare u kao3 lan4 ma,p guan xin u ma.shang xin shi lo.wat wai yu?!!... of coz lucky la.sw say d,bie2 deng3 bu4 gai1 deng3 de ren2,(bie2 shang1 bu4 gai1 shang1 de xin1.) haha. bigbang gt 1 song call with you.very nice,the dance oso very nice.

A Walking Paradox said...

Who got mood I ask you? Okay okay. Thank you so much. Belicia hearts you. =) Wait, I don't get it, what does that sentence have to do with anything?? I'm guessing you're asking me to go listen and see the dance again. =.=

Yi Ning said...

I noe who gt mood.Annie.haha.Nola,i juz say it to myself,dun chap me.sudenly thk tiok n say nia.Yey,u so liao jie me.haha.Tae Yang looks cool inside.haha

A Walking Paradox said...

Don't so sui la. Yer. You didn't give any response to my 'Belicia hearts you'. T^T Fine then. =.= Of course. Don't repeat the same conversation again la. I thought you very loyal to your GD d??

Yi Ning said...

Me mana ada sui? K lo, i sayang u.XD K lo, dun repeat. I very ting hua d. Of coz,i of coz suport gd la,bt tae yang oso nt bad ma. I love BigBang so much.

A Walking Paradox said...

You always deny wan!! Without the XD will be better la. But nvm, I accept it. YES, I GET IT. YOU'RE TOTALLY INSANE. YOU TALK ABOUT THEM EVERYDAY KAY. HOW CAN I NOT KNOW?

Yi Ning said...

K lo,im sui.very sui.Ok,lai replay.I sayang u. Sry lo,u noe i very siao them d la.

A Walking Paradox said...

Haha. Say till like I force you d. >.< That's better. Yay! Thanks! Yala. I know la. Your brain's memory space all use to rmb their stuff then tok cannot rmb other stuff dy.

Yi Ning said...

yala,u force me say d.Sry lo,actualy their thg i oso dk pun.My brain only full of grass nia.

A Walking Paradox said...

Where got? I so good mana koleng force other ppl to say something they don't wanna say? That kinda reminds me of The Wizard of Oz d scarecrow. XD

Yi Ning said...

U gud ka mana koleng k. Oh no,i nw need to find who for brain ar?

A Walking Paradox said...

:@ What la you!! You didn't read the story d meh. Of course is the Wizard of Oz la. Abo why the title is that.

Yi Ning said...

jk la.dun mind. i noe,bt our world where gt oz.T.T

A Walking Paradox said...

Of course don't mind. I think if I mind I'll probably be dead by now. Of course don't have. Find a brain surgeon then. :P

Yi Ning said...

no way,u dead liao me hw ar? =S Nvm la,i like my brain to full wit grass.nonid thk so much.haha

A Walking Paradox said...

Err.... I dk. You want me come and find you?? XD Brain full with grass still can think meh?

Yi Ning said...

i dun blieve in ghost.haha.u ma cum find me i thk i wil yu4 yu4 er2 zhong1.too kek sim liao. So i ma say nonid thk lo.

A Walking Paradox said...

Suan!!! Don't wanna die le. Cause I'm nothing without you. =) That's... sweet, in a weird kinda way. Okay okay. No need think the best.

Yi Ning said...

haha.u blieve d meh? haha.weird meh?where gt?sweet la.X) Yala,lazy to thk nia.i realy very cham.haha.

A Walking Paradox said...

Neutral on this topic. No comments whatsoever. Got. A little bit nia la. Yala. Sweet la. =) Don't say you. I also become very lazy nowadays. So... Don't need to chap la.XD

Yi Ning said...

Nt weird k. XP Lazy pig.XP haha. i ben lai tio lazy to thk liao d.haha.

A Walking Paradox said...

HNG! I cham you liao ka become like this d lo!!!! >.<

Yi Ning said...

hahahaha.of coz la,im ur shi gong ma.i teach u d ma.

A Walking Paradox said...

Why you teach me d stuff also very cham d? Why can't you teach me something good instead?

Yi Ning said...

Y u alwyas say i teach u sui thg so koian. i oso gt teach gud thg d u din learn tiok nia ma.

A Walking Paradox said...

LOL You got teach what good thing? Say and see. I don't even remember it.:P

Yi Ning said...

i teach dun always say ppl huai hua.dun so sui.dun so u bo learn tiok nia.

A Walking Paradox said...

Wah. You're so HONEST about what you teach your tu di. And you always teach us about GOOD things. These stuff you told us not to do you also DIDN'T do eh lo.

Yi Ning said... honest.XD i always teach gud thg. N i yi shen zuo zhe din do stuf tat i teach u all nt to do.X) im a gud shi fu

A Walking Paradox said...

Sheesh. I was being sarcastic. =.= And if being rou ma, shoot people, get revenge on other people all those count as good thing, well, you taught us a lot of good thing. Yeah. The best shi gong ever. @_@

Yi Ning said...

of coz gud.rou ma nt gud meh?ok then nxt time i dun1 say those stuf thg liao.u dun regret.n shoot ppl is only when ppl shoot me k.yi ya huan ya ma.u nonid say til so mian qiang.dun1 say ma suan lo.X(

A Walking Paradox said...

Haha. Fan zheng you rou ma is to everyone d, not me nia. I know la. Just examples. :P Where got mian qiang? No ar. Don't put sad face la. :)

Yi Ning said...

mana ada 2 everyone.suan.nxt time i dun1 say dy.BLEK. ny mian qiang,is very very mian qiang. dun try to bluf me.XP

A Walking Paradox said...

Almost everyone then. XP Hahaha. At least not extremly mian qiang ma. Actually it's not a lie, since I only have one shi gong, that's you, you're the best shi gong I ever had ar. X)

Yi Ning said...

tak ada d k.u nia.haha.sui nia u.XP suan suan suan suan suan suan suan suan.kek die me

A Walking Paradox said...

Okay. I trust you then. X) It's the truth. Face it. :P

Yi Ning said...

gud. me nw kena strok at hosp liao.hng.dun cum tan bing har,dun 1 c ur face

A Walking Paradox said...

You say like that but I know you still wanna see me wan. Faster say which hospital lar. ;-)

Yi Ning said...

NO WAY,later u cum liao i jit tao die ki.u man man cari lar

A Walking Paradox said...

Yer. Kenapa leh?? T^T Waliew. Penang so many hospital!!!

Yi Ning said...

coz u kek me.c ur face liao me bao xie guan die man lai.find tiok me tiok si ur yuan fen.

A Walking Paradox said...

Then I ma wear a paper bag come and visit you lo. Faster tell me which hospital la. Abo lian my paper ag covered face also wont see tiok liao!